Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Predictably Irrational

Predictably irrational is such an awesome phrase. When I think about some of the decisions I make in my life, there is absolutely NO explanation why. I have found that explaining my weird decisions is probably a waste of breath. I am led to make jerk decisions about certain things for whatever reason, and defending my irrational ones is often impossible.

Presenting information in a certain way can definitely affect someone's decision. I actually came upon this the other day, but not in a business sense. There is this joke (it's not that funny), that goes like this.

Q: What side are a rhinoceros' horns on?
A: The outside

That joke is only funny if they have right or left in mind. When I told it however, I had just been talking about how cold it is outside and how warm it is inside. The person looked at me like I was stupid and replied "outside." Why would I tell that joke when I gave away the punchline? I have no idea. What's more important is the business/leadership lesson I should learn from it. If I can foreshadow the answer to my question before I ask it, the other person would be more comfortable with accepting it themselves.

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