Monday, October 11, 2010

Cultivating Power

I think that the older I get and the more established I become with my career and goals I think I see myself as more powerful. For me, power comes from confidence and confidence has come from completing certain goals I had set out for myself. I definitely can be someone who empowers others. I try to be enthusiastic and encouraging when I see people feeling down and discouraged. One thing that I have learned in this program that has helped me to feel empowered and is to think very carefully about what I am trying to say, and to speak more slowly and confidently. This is something I have tried to work on and I think doing so I have become more confident which is a foundation for power. I haven’t really thought much about what kind of power I would like to cultivate. I guess my goal is to be taken more seriously especially at work. I am the youngest person at my office location which has its benefits for certain skills but I also have the least amount of experience. Someday I would like to be a manager so I definitely need to increase my feelings and thoughts about power. One thing I thought was interesting that was discussed during lecture was how thinking about a time in your life when you were powerful before being faced with a situation makes you feel more powerful. I think this is a helpful exercise to keep in mind and I am going to use this as one of my tools for cultivating my own power.


  1. I agree with what Jacqueline said about the more experience at work she gains, the more powerful she feels. I also feel that way, and when I have experience behind me, I feel more confident and powerful leading others.

  2. I like Jacqueline's goal to be taken more seriously in the workplace. I always find myself in the same situation because of my age and experience. Being more confident in our leadership skills would definitely help the two of us out.
