Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Perception and Mind Bugs

I really liked class on Wednesday. I would probably say that the one thing I say to everyone is "perception is everything." When I was growing up my mom hammered it into our heads that perception is more real than reality, and the mind bugs we learned about in class go along with this. I have always known that if someone perceives something to be real, then it will be real regardless of how crazy it is. I would say that my own perceptions lead me astray all the time. The picture of the tables is the simplest example of this. Even though he went up and measured both sides of the table, I still thought that they were different. If I have strong perceptions on anything, it would have to be on people. No one wants to believe everything they hear, but the perceptions I develop on people based on gossip always make me paint them a certain way.

Perceptions have definitely affected me in a negative way as well. I have met people who, after talking to me for a few minutes, admitted to thinking I had a different kind of personality based on what they heard. Kind of makes you wonder just how important first impressions are. It's weird to me how these perceptions can be very hard to change. I know that those two tables are the same, but I still can't help but to think that they are different in some way. This is disheartening because if someone perceives me to be a certain way, no matter what I do they could still have that opinion of me even after getting to know me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really agree with your first impressions theory. People value first impression a lot. I think we all pretty much educated under the same or similar backgorund. That is to say our parents, teachers, and fellows always tell us the same principles of being good and viewing things. Just like learning grammar, we all have the same rules and ways to find mistakes. This phenamenon provides us with prevail norms and mind bugs. So we are not likely to change others' norms,perceptions, and behaviors unless we have power to force them but I don't think it is a good idea for great leaders to do. So, just be yourself and pay more attention to others' feeling and thinking. Making some actions like reeamining yourself and think how to improve yourself. I believe this action will automatically improve your attractiveness to others. I have faith in you! Good luck!
