Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First off, I would like to say how much I enjoyed the book. It was really interesting to think about how and why people make decisions. In describing this book to people, more often than not the person I am talking to get this "oooooooooooooooooohh..." look in their eye when I talk about some of the concepts in the book.

lately, I have seen "anchoring" all over the place. It's like people just don't know what to think about anything unless there is a reference point! I know they are everywhere, and I know they are being used on me through commercials and other marketing strategies.. but even though I know exactly what they are doing, I still get caught up in it. I don't think that I will be able to change my ways in regards to anchoring.. it is just too ingrained in me.

1 comment:

  1. I like what Cat said. I sometimes try to trick myself into thinking that I only think about school in class and when I'm doing homework. But I can't watch TV commercials or look at a billboard on the freeway without suddenly craving a XXL Chalupa from Taco Bell or having a weird urge to go gamble at a casino in Reno.
