Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pa pa pa pa pa pa power (Old Spice Anyone?)

I suppose that in certain situations, I do view myself as a powerful person. In the classroom, I am more focused on learning and less likely to step into a leadership role but in other aspects of my life I have a lot of influence on people. I am in the Greek system at San Jose State, and I feel like I have a lot of influence and power among the members of my fraternity and others. I have held many leadership positions in my fraternity, and my "brothers" respect my abilities to create a plan and execute it.

Motivation is a big part of any of the jobs I have done. One that stands out in my mind is our annual philanthropy called "Derby Days" that I was in charge of for 2 years. Motivating a fraternity and 7 sororities to fundraise money to donate to Huntsman Cancer Institute is something that can only be done by someone who can empower others to feel the need to participate. I realized that I had the power to get people to do what I want by using the friendships I had cultivated to my advantage. Selecting captains was important, so I chose my friends who were motivated to help me because I had helped them in the past.

I think that in a business setting I could so a similar job with any task I am given. Personal relationships and first impressions are crucial to gaining power for me. If a coworker feels obligated to help me because they like me, I've helped them out in the past, or I have laid out the reasons why it needs to be done in a way that they understand then I will have the upper hand. I do believe that I have a lot of room for improvement however. I feel that in situations where I do not know anyone, it is hard for me to get someone to do something for me. This situation will definitely present itself over and over again so I need to figure out a way to handle it.

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