Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Power Pusher

I sometimes think of myself as a powerful person, it does depend a lot on the situation. Jacqueline mentioned the notion of more experience makes her feel more powerful, and I feel the same way. If I have experience, then I feel more powerful. Even if I am working with people with twice as much experience as I, as long as I can refer back to a relate able experience that I have had, I feel confident and therefore powerful. I like to think that I empower others when I talk to them... I have always been kind of a "mom" figure to my friends, making sure everyone knows where to go, what to bring, has a ride, has a ride home, has a good time, etc etc. and I am always there to talk about problems. Now those things may not make everyone feel powerful or empowering, but taking control of a situation and making sure things go well does make me feel powerful.

I really liked the discussion about power poses that we had in class last week. The day after, I had a job interview with a Director, and he took one of the power positions ( leaning back in his chair, etc). I immediately took note of how I was sitting and though I did not try and "out do" his power position, I made sure that I did not take on a "weak" position. As I come closer to graduation, I would like to develop my ability to lead people by my personality and also by my experience. To develop these goals, I believe that I will have to become more attune to how people I am managing/leading respond to different personalities, and perhaps adjust accordingly. Also, I think that if I learn from every experience I have: what went right, what went wrong, what could I have done better, then I will be able to lead with my experience as well as by example.

1 comment:

  1. Well, a powerful person is not who just talks about the problems and keeps everything on track. Leaders are responsible to make others feel powerful and empowers others' minds, making them recognize their own values and be proud of themselves. People who regulates others' behavior and gives orders can't seize people's hearts based on his status or position and is easily turned over. Specific actions are less important than the leader's clarity and consciousness -- that's why there is no formula that can ensure successful leadership, as POWER can't be calculated or manipulated, nor is it a matter of trying to look good. If the term "taking control of the whole situation" is the ability to see through what is happening and the potentials to respond to it spontaneously and accordingly rather than simply impose one's idea on others, then it's the real power that makes one feel powerful and empowers the team and lasts long.
