Monday, October 18, 2010

Perceptions and Misperceptions

In class we talked about how mind bugs can alter our focus and lead us down the wrong path. We also realized that sometimes we use these mind bugs to our own advantage (such as when crafting our 2 truths and a lie) and sometimes these mind bugs led to errors. Did anything covered in class surprise you?

I found the mind bugs very interesting especially the picture of the two tables that were the same size. A lot of people still didn’t believe it even after someone measured the tables, and to be honest they still did not look the same size to me even though they were measured equally. I also though the card trick video was pretty crazy how all those things changed in the background while the trick was going on and I didn’t even notice one bit. After witnessing these mind bugs my perceptions have changed in that I have increased my doubts about my senses. I think it is human nature to see something a certain way and believe it is true. Even when someone tells you things are different, it is very hard to change your perceptions.

I definitely think my perceptions have led me astray in my life from time to time. I think sometimes I see people as certain way, and even over time if their behaviors demonstrate otherwise, it is still hard to change those initial perceptions and keep ignoring the signs. This is important I think as I go through life and meet new and more people. When you meet someone new, you really do not know who they are. They may say things about themselves, but how do you know any of it is actually true? I suppose I have become more wary and cynical of people after being led astray by my perceptions of them.

An example of when my perceptions have been harmful is when I had a co-worker who I thought was my friend, and I had told her about some personal strife I had been going through. During this period I had made some mistakes at work and she basically went to my boss and pointed out the mistakes I was making. I would not have done this to a friend, I would have backed her up and supported her and tried to help correct the mistakes without going and telling our boss. This was a hard but I guess important lesson to learn.

When people have misperceptions of me, I deal with it by ignoring it as much as possible. I hate feeling like I have to defend and explain myself to people who have misjudged me. It’s annoying and makes a person feel frustrated. You cannot control how people perceive you, so I think it is best to be aware that what you say and do will be judged by others, but then try to ignore it and move on.

I am still thinking about the tables and I still don’t believe they are the same size!

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