Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pride and Laziness

I really wonder if having people that have done it before is a positive or a negative thing. I would say that after listening to what everyone said in class and what my group has said, it may be worse. Instead of everyone being excited about "imparting" their wisdom, we were just frustrated that it was hot and that we had to do it again. A lot can be said about this. This square was obviously a learning tool to better understand leadership and how people interact in a group. Say we were a business instead of a business class and we were releasing the second version of our new marketing campaign, would all of us be frustrated that we had to do the same thing over again?

I think in that situation it would be different, but why does it have to be? I'm not sure if all of us are motivated by money, but I'm sure if you threw some dollars at us we would have made an octagon if you asked. It appears that in a classroom setting, it is difficult to find motivation in a job well-done or pride. I won't lie though, after we made the square successfully after appearing to not try, I was pretty proud.

After all this discussion about it, I'm 100% sure that how I acted in the blind square directly conflicts with my core values. I'm not sure if lazy, unmotivated, or passive are words I would like to associate with my leadership abilities. I'm going to have to work on that in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Core values are very powerful and very personal and I would be very careful with protecting them especially if you are every participating and acting in a way that violated them. "After all this discussion about it, I'm 100% sure that how I acted in the blind square directly conflicts with my core values." Re-evaluate and see if truly this assignment has violated the core or only questioned it.
