Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Not so proud

Professor Johnson asked what we are proud of ourselves for doing. Reflecting upon my experience and the notes we took after the completion of the activity, I would have to say nothing. I do not feel any pride in my actions, because I gave up, threw in the towel, even sat down. I did not share the sentiment that I was superior than my classmates because I had done this before, I was pessimistic from the start because I remembered what a mess it was.

What this taught me about myself was when the going gets tough, I give up. That is not the type of person or manager that I want to be. Looking back on difficult situations in work and in my personal life, I can not recall throwing in the towel like I did during the activity, and I am not sure I was so happy to give up during the task. Maybe it is because I thought "it's ok, someone else will do it or else we will just fail and have a good laugh about how ridiculous the activity was".

In any case, I don't want to give up again...


  1. I'm going to agree with Cat on this one, mostly because I have done this assignment twice before. There is two ways I could have gone into this exercise; either use my previous knowledge to my advantage and take control of the group, hopefully leading everyone to completing the square or I could have done exactly what I did, stand there with my eyes closed thinking about how hot it was. In all honesty, I kind of wanted to speak up and tell everyone around me to move into the shade.

    I definitely agree, this isn't the kind of leader I want to be. Even though this is just a fun thing to do to teach a lesson, I could have taken it more seriously. I don't think that I "throw in the towel" EVERY time the going gets tough, but there are definitely instances when it happens.

  2. It always okay to feel frustrated at some point. But, it actually a good lesson for all of us to learn and explore. Great leadership involves tons of time in investigating and identifying matters like this. If you can think positively toward things, you would actually develope great strength and momentum towards your life and leadership. Good Luck!
