Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Game

Through the emotion coding game, I made a big progress on getting to know myself more. This game provides me multiple opportunities to perform a different me in front of other people. I usually like to take a mild and positive attitude towards other people in every situation against negative and aggressive because I am always afraid that my negative motion would affects others’ and leave them a bad impression about me. This positive attitude is developed since my childhood and it is what my mom always told and instructed me. But, after this game, I feel it is sometimes necessarily to take different emotions towards other people and let them know your true feeling so that they can expect and understand your situation. If you always take positive emotion towards others, people might take advantages from you and give you some hard time. So, it was a good practice for all of us to try to let people know our true feelings.

1 comment:

  1. Good insight! I agree with what you are saying and I think I had a similar experience during the game. I also had a hard time expressing negative emotions and I didn’t think about it until I read your post but it probably stems from my childhood as I was always taught to be nice to others. I definitely think that always having a positive reaction can be exploited by people we encounter and they will take advantage of those who are good-natured. At some point in our lives we have to get over the fact that our reaction may not be easily accepted by others but in order to be an effective leader it is important to accurately express our true feelings. The game definitely helped demonstrate that concept.
