Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Emotions Game

I had a lot of fun playing the emotion game and it turns out that I was better at encoding than I thought I was going to be. I don't feel like I'm a very good actor, but I know that I am very good at expressing my emotions. A lot can be said about my life from that fact. Whether or not I feel a certain way, I've always known that I can make it appear I feel any way I like. I suppose this is a good thing and a bad thing. A lot of times when I don't like someone I can easily make them think that I do like them or that I am in indifferent. It comes in handy in sometimes, but occasionally I find myself faking my emotions in instances when I don't need to. This is actually something I have been trying to change about myself on a daily basis. My emotions are apart of who I am, and it is important that I act the way I feel rather than hide things or deceive people. I guess sometimes I would rather please others than shake things up by making it known I don't like something.

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