Monday, September 13, 2010

The benefit of experience?

I agree with Jacqueline's comments that doing the square again in the future will be different every time based on the people you are with and the situation. I also agree that there is no right or wrong way to do it. There are some strategies that work better than others... but besides that, I believe that the game can be different every time.

I don't subscribe to the whole "there was no incentive for doing the square" bit. Even there was no grade attached to it, I still like to accomplish things for the reason of achieving a goal. Unfortunately this time I was frustrated and checked out. I suppose my "achieving a goal" incentive should have been stronger, but, as I stated earlier, I gave up.

I believe that if everyone only did things for economic compensation and personal benefit, there would be more disease, death, poverty, and homelessness in the world. Working for a non-profit organization, I can tell you that the people here and in this industry do not do things for economic compensation. I have met some of the most compassionate and dedicated people while working for this organization, and I truly believe that their selflessness makes the world a better place (Cliche, yes. But I do believe it.) These people work hard to raise money and conduct programs that benefit others, and for a fraction of the wages they deserve.

Last week's discussion about core values really got me thinking. I wrote down stability, relationships, and health, but listening to other people's values got me thinking... should those be mine too? ... they sound good, but do they apply to me? The discussion made me wonder what my core values truly are, and honesty I am not sure that I really know yet. I know what I would like to be, and deep down what I truly want in life..but I don't know how to translate that into core values. I am excited to figure them out, and to see if they jive with my vision of what a leader should be.

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