Saturday, September 11, 2010

Leadership values

As far as being a new or non-new person goes, I actually don’t think it makes that much of a difference. The reasons are basically because if you are faced with the blind square task again in the future, it will be with different people in a different setting and different circumstances. There really is no “right” or “wrong” way to tackle the problem, and you will be faced with different group of people you will have to learn to work with, which is always a challenge. Everyone has to learn to work together in the blind square otherwise you are stuck. You have to learn to put faith in others and let others lead, or be able to recognize when a leader is needed. These are important life-lessons that can be transferred to solving problems faced at work: sometimes you have to listen to others even if you don’t agree with how they are solving things, sometimes there is a problem no one has been able to solve and the leader must emerge.

My behavior during the blind square fit my core values because I think it is very important to listen to what other people have to say and give people a chance to share ideas. I really did this for most of the time and didn’t offer any suggestions until the end. This way I was able to observe what had been solved and what still needed to be solved. My vision of a leader is someone who can recognize a problem, have a vision for how to solve it, and explain things in such a way as to get the groups attention and encourage people to have faith that they will be led in the right direction. I think I tried to do this in the blind square as I gave everyone confidence that we could solve the problem, as we were in a location that everyone was familiar with. Once we found that commonality solving the problem was easy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I found your comment inspiring Jacqueline when you said, “You have to learn to put faith in others and let others lead, or be able to recognize when a leader is needed. These are important life-lessons that can be transferred to solving problems faced at work: sometimes you have to listen to others even if you don’t agree with how they are solving things, sometimes there is a problem no one has been able to solve and the leader must emerge.”
    I agree with your comment on faith. Faith is important because it affects everything we think, say and do. Faith is the triumph that incapacitates a world of disbelief and nihilism.
    Faith is the only way we are able to comprehend what we cannot see touch or feel. Faith allows us to go beyond the ordinary and experiment with the extraordinary. Faith is paramount to building healthy relationship because without which relationships have no foundation.
