Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blog 4 - Is there really a difference?

I actually believe there is a very fine line between manipulation and influence. In practice, it looks the same. The difference is the intention of the influencer or manipulator. Manipulation usually has a negative connotation, and the intention is generally thought to be not for the good of others or the person being manipulated. Influence is similar in that an influencer is trying to get people to do certain things, but their intention is not necessarily negative. It becomes playing politics when the individual is not taken into consideration. The influence is for something bigger, and the person is just being used as a pawn for someone else’s agenda. I don’t know that you can actually find a line between good and bad, especially in business. I think it is sort of a gray area. What is good for the company is not always good for competitors, or for people, or for the environment. So it depends on your perspective. I think it is hard to be an influential leader and always stay true to your core values. You may not think it is good to lay people off, it goes against your values to let go employees especially if you know their personal situations and they need their jobs. However, if a company is doing poorly and has to cut down and only retain top performers, keeping those employees is not good for the organization. So you believe in the organization, but you don’t want to lay people off. Both perspectives are correct, and both can be seen as good or bad. But you want to keep your job so you lay people off, despite your core values. As a leader you have to make those choices. I think it ok to influence people if it is to their benefit, because in the end people have to make their own choices and sometimes just need direction on how to get there. That’s why people have faith in their leaders. People want and need mentors and role models. People like to have a good examples set forth in front of them so they can decide where they want to go.

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