Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Great Learning from Great Excercise.

Through this wonderful exercise, many of us learned a lot. I know, it was kind turbulent and uncomfortable at first, but it actually turned out pretty well at the end of the game. There are many principles deeply ingrained in this exercise that could help us develop our leadership skills. First, being a follower is actually a good process in becoming a leader. From my point of view, sometimes try to be a follower can provide you more aspects and different views that you usually ignore or forget while playing as a leadership kind role. Second, many people pushed beyond their comfort zone by identifying their authentic and trustful identities. Generally speaking, I can see many other great things involved in this activity such as leaders are able to seeing things positively, successfully managing people, listening to people carefully and making arrangements…etc. So, I cannot wait to do another exercise like this.

1 comment:

  1. As always, your positivity shines through! Welcome to the class!
