Monday, November 15, 2010

Time for a little self-reflection

There were definitely a few things that surprised me in the feedback. It is really important to recognize how others view you, mostly I think because you do things and repeat certain behaviors you are not always aware of. For example, I always consider myself to be in control of my emotions; however I scored lower on the average ratings of others across the board for emotional intelligence. This really surprised me because I thought this would be one of my strengths. I will have to reevalute myself in this area. I am grateful for the information because I value emotional intelligence, and now that I realize I am not as strong in this category as I thought I know this is an area I can target for improvement. I will definitely work on identifying emotions in others, and also regulating my own emotions. I have been trying to “self-monitor” the last few days to see how I am behaving and paying closer attention to the reactions of others.

In my every day life I would say I actually receive a lot of feedback from a few sources: my sister for one is constantly pointing out things about me and things that I do when I don’t realize. She always starts with “maybe you don’t realize this but….” And then proceeds to tell me her opinions about me and my behavior, what I say and how I say it. This is actually helpful because family knows you best and also doesn’t usually care if the truth hurts your feelings or not. I also get a lot of feedback about my performance at work. Everything I do is reviewed by 2 managers, so my work is constantly being handed back to make changes which is annoying but getting used to your work being criticized can make you more open and less defensive over time.

I think honest feedback is really hard for just about everyone, especially if you are a person who has or at one point had low self-esteem. If you already feel badly about yourself it can be really difficult to get feedback from other people, especially if you have tried to overcome years of low self-esteem.

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely jealous that you receive such consistent feedback from your managers at work. I know that I shouldn't expect too much from a manager at the Elephant Bar, but it would be helpful to know how I'm doing every now and then so I can do my job better.
