Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I was relieved to see my results. I definitely want to be liked by people, but at the same time I want to be seen as knowledgeable, reliable, and in control. I try to interact with people in a way so that I am pleasant to talk to / work with, but still convey my intelligence and managerial skills. Sometimes I think I can come off a little too friendly and not be taken seriously. Other times I think I can be seen as a pushover, or someone that you don't need to take seriously. I am glad that I got to see a small cross section of what people think of me...

I was not surprised by any of the results... more interested. In the Influence tactics section, my Pressure and Exchange scores were pretty low, while my Inspirational Appeal was super high. I do not like bartering as a way to get things done, so I was pleased to see that my score for that was low.

I receive feedback, whether I want it or not, on a daily basis from my boyfriend Jon. He has gotten to the point where he tells me point blank how it is and how I am coming across. I think we all know by now that I have "knee-jerk" reactions to things, get offended easily, and do not manage my emotional intelligence well. Well, when I start getting defensive about something or got super offended about something he says, Jon will look me in the eye and say "stop it, you are being irrational." Of course I get all upset all over again.. mostly because I know he is right and I am frustrated with myself that I can't control my emotions better. However this constant stream of feedback has helped me try to calm my emotions at work. If I am going to be a successful manager, I can't get all offended and hold a grudge and dwell if a co worker talks to me funny.. I need to control myself and his constant pointing it out.. though frustrating.. has made me more aware of my reactions and how they can be perceived.

1 comment:

  1. I think it’s great that you have someone to give you honest feedback. I receive most of the feedbacks from my mom, and although her negative comments are irritating, I try to welcome them as I rather hear my shortcomings from my mom than from someone else. Also, accepting a feedback depends on how it is delivered. It should be given with the appropriate tone and language to be effective; otherwise the other party would become defensive and try to justify himself/herself instead of making positive changes based on the feedback.
