Wednesday, November 17, 2010

No Feedback No Goals

Receiving feedback is essential and this phenomenon also guides us to the direction where we decide to head to. Without any feedback for your performance, people usually begin to lose their confidence and energy towards their goals. It is just like taking a math exam. When you realize that your teacher (leader) decides to keep the score secretly, you would have some sort of disappointments because you cannot get information about your performance and soon your energy will be drained and depleted. The same principle can be applied to our daily lives. As I working to achieve something great for personal or company, I always seek feedbacks, suggestions, and encouragements from my supervisor so that I can refuel my spirit and energy to step out of my comfort zone and make great things happen. Honest feedback help me understand myself more about the situation and it not only clears out my doubts but also points out the problems I should adjust before I move on. People need feedbacks to reevaluate their performance. Without feedback, we are likely to commit mistakes and fail our goals.


  1. I agree about being bummed about not knowing the scores of your final / tests / projects and feeling un-fulfilled. I have had a few classes in this program where we simply turned in our final project or paper or took our final test and had 0 feedback. All I saw at the end of the day was my final grade... and though that gave me a little closure, I still would have liked to see how my hard work paid off (in grade form..)

  2. "Receiving feedback is essential and this phenomenon also guides us to the direction where we decide to head to. Without any feedback for your performance, people usually begin to lose their confidence and energy towards their goals."

    I totally agree with this comment because without clarity our energy is zapped and little becomes significant. By having some guideposts that provide directions a individual is better able to have choice.
