Saturday, November 27, 2010

Leadership roles

Spending a long holiday weekend with family is fun but also very draining, I guess because you spend a long periods of time with a lot of the same people. I think my main groups that I interact with are family, friends, and work. My leadership style does change with these groups. I notice when I am making decisions with friends I typically step back and let other people make the plans and decisions, and I typically go along with whatever they have planned. I notice the leader in this group is usually the person who has the most connections with the majority of the people in the group. So she typically brings everyone together and coordinates the decisions.
Around family, I am definitely not as passive and usually have a large input in the decision making, coordinating plans, and bringing everyone together. I realized my influence among my family members when I was able to somehow convince everyone it was a good idea to go see Harry Potter the day after Thanksgiving. No one wanted to go because of crowds, traffic, and many other excuses. I was able to come up with all these reasons why we should go and eventually everyone agreed and we ended up having a great time! I think I have gained influence in my family over the years as I have gotten older and everyone is more on equal grounds since we are all adults now.
I suppose at work I am kind of in the middle, sometimes I try to be a leader and sometimes I step back and let other people be the leaders. I also think my leadership style varies based on how I think people perceive me, and sometimes I do or don't act a certain way in order to to avoid changing those perceptions. Like with my family, I don't care if they think I am bossy and try to get them to do things, I’m not shy about voicing my opinions or ideas. But with my friends I try to be a little more sensitive to what other's want to do and not be so picky or come off as controlling. I think work again falls somewhere in the middle, I don’t want to be a pushover but I also don’t want to come off as too domineering and inflexible. The most important thing that people do to stand out as leaders is to influence and persuade others; and I can learn from watching the different angles people take in order to get others to see things their way. I think this could be applied to all my different social circles to chose the appropriate leadership style for each.

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