Tuesday, November 2, 2010


In many of my group projects I feel like there is always a "mismeeting" of minds. Recently, I had a project in one of my classes where my assumptions clashed with one of my group members. I always try to do my best in group projects to get an A, because other than learning that is my ultimate goal. It was very apparent that in this case, he had a different route he wanted to take to get there. He had this preconceived notion that if we did whatever we wanted, as long as we thought it was what we should do, the teacher would be pleased. I, however, believed that we should use the teachers guidelines to give us the best chance of getting an A.

I felt like he was making things too complicated, he felt that I was simplifying things too much. I'm not sure what I can say about the geography of my mind that made this interaction go sour, but I can say a lot about his. Sometimes the answer isn't always something that takes a lot of brain power and thinking. The problem we had was what to use as our mission statement for our marketing plan. There is all sorts of mission statements out there. Some are really specific, some are complex and long. I truly felt that we needed to make ours simple and easy to understand (like the teacher said). He wanted to elaborate and make it catchy and funny.

I think the critical disagreement we had was about what the teacher would think. I thought logically, do what the teacher says and do it well and we will get an A. He thought more than that, do kind of what the teacher says but attempt to go above and beyond and see what happens.

.....we made a simple one and got an A

1 comment:

  1. I think I know who you are talking about... and I have been a part of a group with him. In fact, I have had 90% of my classes with him throughout this program. One thing I have learned about myself when dealing with him is that there is a time to be patient and accommodating, and a time to put your foot down. I tend to try to be "nice" to everyone, but he makes it hard. In more current dealings with him, I try to treat him as I would like to be treated, but with a firmer hand then I originally had when I first met him. Good luck, and congrats on your A!
