Wednesday, November 17, 2010


In the feedback that I received, I would say that a few aspects surprised me. I always thought that when leading a group it is important to have high-performance expectations, but the average of others was much lower than I expected. There is that one quote, "always aim for the stars, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." These seems to be true, the higher you set your goals, the higher you will end up even if you do not meet them.

This is an important idea to note. The reason for this could be that people often set intangible goals. Setting a goal that is more easily attained might be more advantageous to actually reaching it. I don't really think that I get authentic feedback in my everyday life too often. Just by looking at these ratings has opened my eyes to a few things that I didn't already know. If I got more feedback more often, I would gain much more leadership skills.

I was also shocked that providing intellectual stimulation isn't too high on others ratings. Of all the ways to motivate people, one would think that stimulating your group would help in moving them to do something. This should definitely be a learning experience for everyone, sometimes the things we think motivate others can actually hinder your group from achieving its goal.

1 comment:

  1. I really like that quote... and it is very true! If you set high goals for yourself, even if they are "too high", then you will almost by default do better than if you had set easy goals for yourself. Thanks!! I will take that with me beyond this class :)
