Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Roles and Leadership

I would say that my leadership style is always changing depending on what situation I am in. In the classroom, I tend to sit back more often than not because I feel that others in the class have more real-life experience than I do in the business world. In my fraternity I am constantly taking leadership positions. I am very well known and have been around for awhile, so people respect my opinion and take what I say seriously. I am usually a different leader depending on what group it is since each situation requires me to act differently. This past weekend I went to Southern California and stayed with my family for a little bit. Even in my family my leadership style changes. When I am with my parents I would say that I always fall right back into the middle son role. But depending on the situation, I can break out of that mold a little bit. My dad was a police officer and doesn't know nearly as much as I do about business, sports, and a variety of other things so I often speak out on more topics now that I have the knowledge.

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