Friday, December 3, 2010

The Final Blog

The Final Blog= It is Just the Beginning

Why I chose This Course
Walking into this leadership course I was cynical about the possibilities and benefits of this class. I had very specific questions and a deep desire to learn about theoretical, academic leadership. Yet my limitation was my inability to see how the course generalities and possibilities could develop my “own” personal leadership style. I focused so much on the 30,000 foot flight above it all, that I found trouble landing my plane in the moment of the” here and now.”

My Personal Road Block
My cynicism and sharp criticism kept me from information processing on a relational level; meaning I had little value or understanding of the simplistic, applied view of leadership presented in class. I added this course because essentially I was captivated by the theory of leadership and not the practice of leadership. I guess you might say that I was looking for the theoretical approach to explaining leadership complexities and not how to implement them. My personal failure was that I did not see myself as a leader although in many many ways I was. Now that I think of it, it was ignorant on my part not to think of myself as a leader, when I was responsible for the total operation of a bookstore that paid my mortgage and put food on my children’s table. I am not sure how much more of a “bread and butter” leadership issue that could be.

What I Learned
Thankfully I learned from the course that there are many ways to finish the sentence “Leadership is…” I learned leadership could be viewed subjectively because the definition of leadership is as fickle as the type of people drawn to leadership roles. Throughout the semester we engaged in innocuous activities which evolved the leadership process. Each week, each activity, we found linkages and connections that allowed us to define our “own” personal interpretation of leadership. Dr. Johnson acted as both a guide and a facilitator of leadership in action. Thank you Dr. Johnson.

Memorable Activity
My most memorable class activity was choosing survival tools. I enjoyed the activity because it called upon my role as an influence and motivator. Having a medical background allowed me to call on my previous learning and not behave callously.

What Books Would I Suggest?
Bookstore shelves are filled with popular books about leaders and everyone I meet is mesmerized by the idea of leadership. Just a few weeks ago I left the book, Leadership Defined, published by Insight Publishing, (ISBN 0970620861) on a table at the Fourth Street Café and it was picked up in under five minutes. I strategically placed the book on a table and watched from a distance as five individuals timidly thumbed through the table of contents. Finally one last individual, overcome with interest, came along and just procured the book thinking no one would notice.
This is a silly but thought-provoking marketing gimmick that I use when deciding which hot sellers might work well in my bookstore inventory. I can’t tell you how many books people believe they have stolen from me, when in fact they have been considered by my business as advertising tax deductions.

I stumbled across an excellent read, Leadership the Eleanor Roosevelt Way, (ISBN 0735203245) and fell madly in love with a stunning woman who loved America deeply. For me Eleanor Roosevelt transformed the world with her leadership and weaved her story into empowerment and goal setting. I can’t think of any other woman singularly that I respect and admire more. It’s Your Time, (ISBN 978 1439100127) by Joel Osteen is a magnificent warm holiday re-read for those of you who don’t mind the religious focus or tone. I enjoy that he uses practical tools for moving forward and realizing one’s dreams. Now how could I forget, Why We Make Mistakes, by Joseph Hallinan, (ISBN 9780767925052) I could not put the book down for lack of a better word. The book takes an interesting stab at how most of us desire and believe that we are more than average. This premise is researched and connected to both our strengths and weaknesses. In conclusion the class is a valuable addition to the MBA curriculum for anyone who is insightful enough to want to discover the tools to empower themselves.


  1. I can not imagine "NOT" using a picture to describe an emotion, feeling or thought. It just feels so bland or naked without it. It is like food without salt or making love with the lights and your clothing on. It feels without substance or meaning. It says something to the effect, "Frankly my dear I don't give a damm. (H. Bogart)
    Can you ever imagine a woman on her wedding day without makeup. (no lip gloss either) Betcha one hundred bucks "it anint gonna happen."
    We all have our hangups and crutches and mine is needing to seeing life in so much color.

  2. Very impressive comments regarding to your personal development learned from this class. In fact, I had the same problem when I debating about taking this leadership class or not with a cynical attitude. I am glad that we made the right decision to take our big steps toward leadership and obtained many invaluable experiences from this class. Keep in mind that everyday is a learning opportunity for us to better our lives and become a great leader. Good Luck!

  3. I look forward to hearing how you all develop over time!
