Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Power Blogging Topic #6

Power is such a loaded word…Often the word communicates images of something negative or harmful. Yet in a broad and simple expression, power means having the capacity to bring about change. Power can take on many forms, and take place in many places, and can be measured in many ways. It is not as simple as saying; power is who has it and who doesn’t. Examining the strict meaning of power I would say, yes I do have the capacity to bring about change. Yes, I have brought about change. In many ways through self discovery and self development I am seeking to change my leadership style from coercive to participative. I am seeking to create change by developing a working environment which “espirt de corps” is in effect. This kind of power is considered integrative power in which neither force nor trade is going on; instead the organization operates with agreed-upon rules and expectations.
These agreed upon rules or expectations are created in agreement because each member is on board for a common agenda. This kind of integrative power not only relies on action but action in concert.
As we discussed in class powerful looks, poses or dress are superficial at best and in time become transparent revealing a lack of real essence. I have spent too many years of my life watching superficial leaders come and go, I am ready for change and that change can only be guaranteed if I am that change.

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