Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Final Post

Be honest with you, I did not think leadership skill is that important and hard to obtain before I took the class. However, through many activities, books, and lectures, I began to grasp the essentials of leadership. My deepest internal feeling about this topic/ skill is that leadership is everywhere in our lives. If we spend time carefully to examine things around us, we can find leadership is everywhere. Without the ability to recognize its existence, people would have a meaningfulness life. I like this leadership development class not only because it helps me define my personal mission, value, and goals but also it helps me realize the importance of caring others with your heart and love.

I like to thank Dr. Johnson for providing us with many wonderful activities and lectures to help each of us developing our leadership skill. I learned many great principles underlie the activities designed by Dr. Johnson. People learned things through experiences instead of pure equations and principles from textbooks. I like all the activities designed by Dr. Johnson.

As for the book, I like to recommend one called Multiplier. This book helps you define clearly about who is a multiplier and who is a diminisher. Multipliers have characteristics of helping others, listening to others, and caring for others. These multipliers receive way more benefits than they actually give away to people who need help. It is a very interesting book to read. Hopefully, you would enjoy reading the book.

Good Luck to all of you and have a wonderful life ~~

1 comment:

  1. I was skeptical about learning leadership skills before having taking this class too. I have seen teenagers with no formal training who have amazing managerial skills, and the so-called mangers who have been in the business for many years and don’t know anything about leading people. So I was thinking either you have “it”, or you don’t. After reading our first assigned article which was debating the same subject, I decided to get the most out of this class. Now that we’re approaching the end of this course, I agree with you that there are certain leadership skills that definitely can be learned. Yes, it’s true that when we look around the class, we see students who are better leaders than others, but I’m sure everyone has learned a lot in this course.
