Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I just read a thought-provoking quote

from our classroom text, The Leadership Challenge. The quote is perplexing because it speaks against what most people believe leadership is. The quote says; “Leadership is in the eyes of other people; it is they who proclaim you as a leader.” I thought to myself have I experienced this kind of phenomena in life and I quickly thought about all those leaders that I did not see as having the qualifications or qualities of being a effective leader. I began with the pretext of what a leader is not. Basically I remembered and reflected on that leader whom thought he was an island alone and only responsible to himself and I felt that eventually he would see the light or fail. In the case of this particular individual he failed horribly and I always wonder why he could not see the writing on the wall. I have a question for our group; do you think people miss the boat or clues on effective leadership because they are unable to self-reflect honestly and openly about their strengths and weakness? How does the “Prisoner’s Dilemma Puzzle safely tie into the idea that sometimes pride can kill even the strongest lion who is determined to stand alone?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Trying it out

Testing the post function for the blog... I am not sure if I set it up correctly...